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My Testimony on how I became a Christian

I grew up in a Christian family. My father was a deacon in our church. We are 10 children in our family. Going to church every Sunday is a rule in our family. So, every Sunday morning, my mother will wake us up early to get ready for church’s Sunday school. We always wanted to sleep late on Sunday as from Monday to Friday we wake up early for school. My mother would spank and scold any of us who won’t wake up right away. For me, I wanted to please my Mom plus candies were given every after Sunday school so, I was always quick to get up everytime my Mom woke us up. At that time, I really didn’t understand what Christianity is all about. I learned from Sunday school that Jesus died for me but don’t know the real meaning why He did it.


Every year during summer time, when students are out of school, different Chinese churches in all over the Philippines will have joint Summer Vacation Bible Camps held in different places in the Philippines. My Mom would always encourage us to join it by buying new dress & gave pocket money to any of us who will join it. Having 10 children in our family, we seldom have new clothes. I was the 8th child and most of my clothes were handed down from my older siblings. It was for this reason that I joined one of these activities. I was in my high school years at that time. The teacher in my group asked each one of us if we were sure we will get to heaven when we die. When it was my time to answer, I told her I am not sure as I thought that I was not good enough. I told her that maybe I will go to hell as I sometimes disobey my parents, tell a lie and did lots of things which I know I am not supposed to do. Then she asked me if I had ever trusted Jesus & accepted Him as my Lord & Savior, I was confused & didn’t know how to answer her. She then explained it to me that we are all sinners & Jesus died for our sins to save us. For us to become children of God we have to confess our sins and accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord & Savior. He will always forgive us and we will for sure get to heaven. We prayed together and when I went back home, I ask our church Pastor to baptize me.

  每年夏天,菲律賓不同的華人教會會在各地舉辦聯合的暑期聖經夏令營,母親為了鼓勵我們參加夏令營,她就會買新衣服給參加的小孩,還給我們零用錢,對一個家裡有十個小孩的家庭來說,買新衣服是一件奢侈的事,我排行第八,穿的都是兄姊傳下來的舊衣服,能穿新衣對我來說有很大的吸引力,也是我參加聖經夏令營的誘因。我記得高中那年,我那一組的一位夏令營的老師問我們每一個學生,覺得自己死後會上天堂嗎? 輪到我回答的時候,我說我不確定我會不會去天堂因為我覺得我不夠好。我還說我應該會下地獄因為我有時候不順從父母親,會說謊,會做一些我知道不該做的事。接著,她問我相不相信耶穌,並接受祂成為我的救主,我不知道該怎麼回答,因為我真的不太清楚,然後她就告訴我,我們都是罪人,但是耶穌為了我們的罪而死,為了救贖我們,祂永遠都會原諒我們,只要我接受牠為我的救主並承認我是罪人,求牠赦免我的罪,我一定會上天堂,最後我們一起禱告。夏令營結束我回到家之後,我請我們教會的牧師為我受洗。

After I graduated from Medical school, I left the Philippines to work as a doctor here in Taiwan as being a Chinese citizen, I can’t work as a doctor there. Before I left home, my Mom talked to me telling me that after I arrived Taiwan, my first thing to do is to find a church. She told me never to leave God & not to forget to pray to God especially in times of trouble. As I grew older especially after I came to Taiwan, I cling more to the Lord. I grew up in a big family with lots of older sisters so, being alone in a different country with no family members was very hard for me. I encountered lots of hardships including language barrier & culture shock. Even if I am Chinese, I grew up in the Philippines which has a different culture. Passing the Taiwan Medical Board Exam was another challenge that I encountered as the questions were all in Chinese which I find very hard being educated in the Philippines in which English was the main language used in school. However, through God’s help & my hard work I was able to pass both the Medical Board Exam & Pediatric Specialty Exam. The hardships & problems in life which I encountered here in Taiwan brought me more nearer to God & made me trust Him more. I always remember what my Mom had told me. I always pray to the Lord especially when problems arise that I don’t know what to do. I will always bring my problems to Him & He is always faithful & always there to help me. He never left me & always guided me in everything that I do as long as I let Him.

  醫學院畢業之後,因為國籍的因素,我無法在菲律賓執業行醫,所以我離開菲律賓,來到台灣。我離家之前,母親囑咐我,到了台灣一定要先找一間教會,並叫我一定不要離開神,要時常禱告,特別是遇到問題跟困難的時候。隨著年紀漸長,我越來越依靠神,因為在菲律賓,我有好多姊姊,但是在台灣,我沒有其他兄弟姊妹在我身邊,一個人身處異地,要面對語言的隔閡,文化的衝擊,工作上的問題等等,我的日子並不好過,雖然我是華人,但是菲律賓和台灣的文化畢竟不一樣。在考醫師資格的時候,我也面臨很大的困難,因為考題都是中文的,在菲律賓我受的教育是英文,但是透過神的帶領,我認真準備,終於通過了醫師資格考試,以及小兒專科醫師專業考試。我在台灣遭遇很多的困難但這些困難讓我更親近神,也更相信祂,我永遠記得母親對我說的話: 要常常禱告,特別是遇到難題不知所措的時候,我會將問題帶到神的面前,因為神是信實的,祂永遠在那裏幫助我,永不離開我,只要我求告祂,祂必引導我。

Lastly, I would like to share one of my favorite bible verses:

1) Prov. 3:5-6 “5) Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6) in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

2) Prov. 3:9-10 “9) Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; 10)then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.


1. 你要專心仰賴耶和華,不可倚靠自己的聰明, 在你一切所行的事上都要認定祂,祂必指引你的路。(箴言 3: 5-6)

2. 你要以財物和一切初熟的土産尊榮耶和華, 這樣,你的倉房必充滿有餘,你的酒榨有新酒盈溢。(箴言 3: 9-10)

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